The <forward> element

Parent elements: <measure> (partwise), <part> (timewise)

The <backup> and <forward> elements are required to coordinate multiple voices in one part, including music on multiple staves. The <forward> element is generally used within voices and staves. Duration values should always be positive, and should not cross measure boundaries or mid-measure changes in the <divisions> value.


  • Forward




attributes: ForwardAttributes
contents: ForwardContents
schema: {
    attributes: {};
    contents: readonly [{
        type: "required";
        value: typeof Duration;
    }, {
        type: "optional";
        value: typeof Footnote;
    }, {
        type: "optional";
        value: typeof Level;
    }, {
        type: "optional";
        value: typeof Voice;
    }, {
        type: "optional";
        value: typeof Staff;
    name: "forward";
} = Forward.schema

Type declaration

  • Readonly attributes: {}
    • Readonly contents: readonly [{
          type: "required";
          value: typeof Duration;
      }, {
          type: "optional";
          value: typeof Footnote;
      }, {
          type: "optional";
          value: typeof Level;
      }, {
          type: "optional";
          value: typeof Voice;
      }, {
          type: "optional";
          value: typeof Staff;
    • Readonly name: "forward"
    schema: {
        attributes: {};
        contents: readonly [{
            type: "required";
            value: typeof Duration;
        }, {
            type: "optional";
            value: typeof Footnote;
        }, {
            type: "optional";
            value: typeof Level;
        }, {
            type: "optional";
            value: typeof Voice;
        }, {
            type: "optional";
            value: typeof Staff;
        name: "forward";
    } = ...

    Type declaration

    • Readonly attributes: {}
      • Readonly contents: readonly [{
            type: "required";
            value: typeof Duration;
        }, {
            type: "optional";
            value: typeof Footnote;
        }, {
            type: "optional";
            value: typeof Level;
        }, {
            type: "optional";
            value: typeof Voice;
        }, {
            type: "optional";
            value: typeof Staff;
      • Readonly name: "forward"


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